We are using equipment from Tekbox since a couple of time - we use it in the developing process/phase for testing our hardware devices.
Used equipment for a current test:
Used EMCview-Version: V09.19 NSIS 32b
Used spectrum analyser: Rigol DSA832E

Now, we want to measure some stuff according CISPR25 radiated emission.
In EMCview I Ioad the EMC-project “TC_CISPR25_EN55025_Class5.prj “ to get the levels for the TEM cell (near field measurement), here my setup:

And an empty measurement (the DUT is OFF) brings me the following result (shield-tent closed):

Now my question: why the peak-detector shows values above the levels?
For me, AVG looks good and correct, but the result of PEAK is too high, or not?
In my point of view, I did the setup in the right way, but maybe I am wrong….
Many thanks for any answer/help respectively support.